Finance your expenses with a lawsuit loan: What it can pay for and how it can help

One of the prime advantages of a lawsuit cash advance is that it can be used for a number of different reasons. If you have a pending lawsuit or settlement, cash advances are a way to give you the financing you need to pay for important financial obligations and necessary living expenses.

Uses for lawsuit cash advances

“Lawsuit cash advances can be used for many reasons.”

On top of living costs, rent or mortgage payments, car loans or medical bills, cash advances can help to pay for replacement vehicles, unexpected payments, shopping expenses and various other needs.

However, a lawsuit cash advance can also have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. Specifically, it can help you receive a more favorable compensation package for your damages in a personal injury lawsuit.

Plaintiffs in these cases will take out cash advances to pay for legal fees, litigation costs and medical liens from physicians, hospitals and medical providers. At the very least, a cash advance may buy you and your attorney more time and resources to build a stronger case to maximize the value of the outcome. This cash advance can help your lawyer retain expert witnesses and ensure that he or she is paid regularly to keep them focused on the case. That amount of money may be especially important if you are out of work due to injury.

How it can help

Let’s say for example, you are involved in an auto accident, so you decided to sue the insurance company of the driver who hit you for $200,000. With a cash advance against your lawsuit, you get $50,000 for legal fees, litigation costs and medical liens. All you need to do is pay back the principal of $50,000 plus funding fees upon the outcome of your case.

This is how a cash advance can be beneficial. It can often take settlements or case outcomes months, if not years, to complete. That can compound the financial pressures during this arduous time.
That is where Glofin can help. Consult with us to learn more about the support you can receive during a personal injury lawsuit. We can sit down with you to walk you through your options and what lawsuit cash advances can pay for during your case.